Ghajini, directed by A.R. Murugadoss, is a re-make of his own 2005, Tamil film. Released in NZ on the same...
Ghajini, directed by A.R. Murugadoss, is a re-make of his own 2005, Tamil film. Released in NZ on the same day it is India, this Bollywood, romantic-thriller takes inspiration from Christopher Nolan's Memento.
Explores the life of Sanjay (Khan), a wealthy businessman who suffers a blow to the head while trying to intervene in the murder of his lover. This results in anterograde amnesia, leaving Sanjay with only his short-term memory. By taking Poloroids, and tattooing information on himself, he tries to peice together his past and avenge his lover's death.
Where to watch Ghajini
Ghajini | Details
- Runtime
- 185
- Genre
- Bollywood & Indian Cinema
- Country of origin
- India