Australian documentary follows a part-time ghosthunter, who seeks out the supernatural - and his absent dad - when not working...
Australian documentary follows a part-time ghosthunter, who seeks out the supernatural - and his absent dad - when not working as a security guard.
"Western Sydney security guard and part time ghosthunter Jason has spent two decades searching for his missing father. As a survivor of violence, he seeks to reconcile his fractured memories and piece together his past. Jason may spend his spare time hunting the supernatural, but it soon becomes clear that what he’s really seeking are the ghosts of his past. When his search converges with a police investigation, a horrific family secret is exposed- forcing him to confront his past in order reclaim his future." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Ghosthunter
Ghosthunter | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes and coarse language
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Australia