Critically-acclaimed debut from Australian filmmaker Rosemary Myers, a coming-of-age tale that journeys deep into the teenage mind. Nominated for...
Critically-acclaimed debut from Australian filmmaker Rosemary Myers, a coming-of-age tale that journeys deep into the teenage mind. Nominated for the Crystal Bear for Best Feature Film (Generation 14+) at the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival.
"Greta is 14 years old and has just moved to a new town with her family. It’s tough, but at least she's found a soulmate at her new school: Elliott is an outsider like her, he's funny and sweet, maybe a bit childish too, and he wants to be her boyfriend. Her sister has already made it: she lives her own life. It wouldn’t be so bad if her parents hadn't got it into their heads to throw a surprise party for her. Given the choice, Greta would simply run away. In the mysterious forest behind the house lurk strange creatures and Huldra, the fearless warrior. A weird and wonderful coming of age tale, absurd and eerie, terrible yet lovely – just like the life of a 14-year-old when everything around is changing." (Berlin International Film Festival)
Where to watch Girl Asleep
Girl Asleep | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes and coarse language
- Runtime
- 77
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Australia