Follows the turn-of-the-century journey of a family of emigrants across the ocean to the New World. While sprinkled with magical...
Follows the turn-of-the-century journey of a family of emigrants across the ocean to the New World. While sprinkled with magical realist glimpses of an idealized America (rivers of milk, giant carrots), Golden Door is unflinching in its depiction of both the rocky Sicilian hillside town where his poor protagonists come from and their brutal experiences during the Atlantic passage and stranded in Ellis Island. Gone are the familiar romanticized visions of Italy as well as clichés of the majestic Gotham skyline. Instead, Crialese creates a more original immigrant's story... One particular image - an overhead shot of the boat pulling away from the Sicilian shore, slowly separating the emigres from those left behind - is masterfully executed. And the final image - poetic, silly and darkly ironic - is a sharp-edged coda to a satisfying cinematic journey.
Where to watch Golden Door
Golden Door | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of six awards at the Venice Film Festival 2007.
- Runtime
- 118
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Italy, Germany, France