Based on Thomas Harris’ latest novel in the enduring thriller series, this prequel traces the beginnings of Hannibal Lector -...
Based on Thomas Harris’ latest novel in the enduring thriller series, this prequel traces the beginnings of Hannibal Lector - from childhood to before his capture by FBI agent Will Graham in Red Dragon (Bit of history: Red Dragon was first adapted in the 1986 Michael Mann film called Manhunter which starred Brian Cox as the brainy madman. The subsequent Anthony Hopkins trilogy ended with a 2002 re-make of the same novel, under the book’s original title. The others in the series are Silence Of The Lambs and Hannibal).
Hannibal Rising follows Hannibal Lector (Frenchman Gaspard Ulliel) from his childhood during WW2 in Lithuania, time in France, and 10 years in England. Through his travels, Lector’s intelligence and the self-knowledge of his dark nature, start to become clear.
Hannibal Rising | Details
- Runtime
- 122
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin
- France, UK, USA