Documentary follows two young backpackers who go to work pulling pints at the solitary pub in the Australian mining town...
Documentary follows two young backpackers who go to work pulling pints at the solitary pub in the Australian mining town of Coolgardie. As live-in barmaids (described as "fresh meat"), Lina and Steph are a long way from their Finland home, and their Outback experience isn't the sort you'll find on a postcard...
"Fresh off a plane from Bali, in need of cash after being robbed and drawn to the idea of having an authentic outback adventure, Finnish backpackers Lina and Steph agree to live and work as servers in remote Coolgardie. Somewhere between the world's most isolated city and Australia's largest gold pit lies this small town that feminism forgot. Billed as "fresh meat" even before their first shift, the young women are treated to a rude cultural awakening. Bullied and ridiculed by their new boss, disrespected and insulted by the booze-goggled customers, the pair immediately discover they'll need to conform to repellent gender roles and social mores to survive among these Aussies. As uncomfortable as it is essential, Hotel Coolgardie bears witness to a hot-button issue that, in an era of pay equity and gender equality, demands to be addressed. Sexual harassment in the workplace is alive and well." (Hot Docs)
Where to watch Hotel Coolgardie
Hotel Coolgardie | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong coarse language
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Australia