The lives of prostitutes residing in an aged brothel, awash in champagne, opium and sex, during the late 19th/early 20th...
The lives of prostitutes residing in an aged brothel, awash in champagne, opium and sex, during the late 19th/early 20th Century bare the souls in this French historial drama.
"Highly stylized look at the final days of a fin-de-siècle brothel in Paris conjures up the languid beauty and frank sexuality of French Romantic painting... In the nineteenth century, much of the Parisian sex trade was confined to grands maisons, populated by elegant madams and a vetted clientele. They were akin to social clubs, with the gentleman participants expected to be as charming and witty as they might be in more respectable drawing rooms. The ladies were provocatively dressed and, upstairs, occupied numerous boudoirs ready for carnal pleasures. Even in such a controlled environment, dangers still lurked: disease was rampant and lethal, and sometimes even a gentleman might lose his temper and harm one of the women." (Toronto International Film Festival 2011)
House of Tolerance | Details
- Rating
- R18+,
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France