Directed by Wai-Keung Lau and Alan Mak and later remade as The Departed by Martin Scorcese, this Hong Kong crime-thriller...
Directed by Wai-Keung Lau and Alan Mak and later remade as The Departed by Martin Scorcese, this Hong Kong crime-thriller follows an undercover cop (Tony Chiu Wai Leung) and a triad member (Andy Lau) working as a police department mole.
Ten years after their appointment as moles, undercover policeman Chan Wing-Yan (Leung) and triad member Lau Kin Ming (Lau) are growing confused about their true identities while their respective employers, police superintendent Wong (Anthony Wong) and crime boss Hon Sam (Eric Tsang) continue to wage a battle of wits against each other. Each boss learns that the other has a mole working for him and Ming and Yan have to scramble to expose one another's identity in an effort to save their own skins.
Co-director Wai-Keung (AKA Andrew) Lau previously worked as a cinematographer on several of Wong Kar-Wai's films (Chungking Express, As Tears Go By). Renowned cinematographer Christopher Doyle served as visual consultant.
Infernal Affairs | Details
- Rating
- M, Moderate violence, Moderate drug references
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin
- Hong Kong