Bittersweet comedy-drama about a strange time in an unconventional family's life - when a bipolar father (Mark Ruffalo), incapable of...
Bittersweet comedy-drama about a strange time in an unconventional family's life - when a bipolar father (Mark Ruffalo), incapable of managing adult responsibilities, is forced to care for his two precocious daughters by himself. This is writer-director Maya Forbes' feature film debut, inspired by her own childhood.
"The year is 1978, and the Stuart family is struggling to hold it together. Cameron, a bipolar father, has had a nervous breakdown that leaves him unemployable, and Maggie, a hardworking mother, can’t quite make ends meet. Despite Cameron’s aristocratic pedigree and the couple’s top-notch education, they’re broke. When Maggie decides to accept a scholarship to pursue her MBA in New York, she must leave her daughters, Faith and Amelia, in Boston with their now-somewhat-convalesced father. So begins an untamed, unpredictable, 18-month experiment as eccentric, exuberant Cameron takes over primary parenting of his precocious, sensitive little girls." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Infinitely Polar Bear
Infinitely Polar Bear | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes and coarse language
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin