The latest Marvel/Stan Lee superhero adaptation, intriguingly directed by the multi talented Jon Favreau (Swingers, Zathura). Robert Downey Jnr. (also an...
The latest Marvel/Stan Lee superhero adaptation, intriguingly directed by the multi talented Jon Favreau (Swingers, Zathura). Robert Downey Jnr. (also an interesting choice) plays Tony Stark, a crafty, womanising drunk of a billionaire industrialist...
Stark is in Afghanistan introducing new missile technology to the US army when he is captured and taken hostage. His captors lock him in a workshop and order him to make a badass missile for enemy. Instead, Stark makes himself a fully armoured & bulletproof suit in which he escapes in. When he returns home, he can’t put the suit down, and becomes the uber-advanced Iron Man. Jeff Bridges plays Obadiah Stane, Stark’s mentor & rival who becomes – wait for it – Iron Monger – Iron Man’s nemesis.
Where to watch Iron Man
Iron Man | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 126
- Genre
- Action, Adventure
- Country of origin