Robert Downey Jr. returns as Tony Stark in the third instalment of Marvel's Iron Man. Largely confined to his workshop after...
Robert Downey Jr. returns as Tony Stark in the third instalment of Marvel's Iron Man. Largely confined to his workshop after the events of The Avengers, Stark is sidelined from superhero duties until he calls out violent terrorist The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). Pausing a campaign of anti-U.S. attacks, The Mandarin takes a personal interest in Stark, who soon finds his whole life threatened by a foe more powerful than he or the government anticipated.
The once over-confident Tony Stark is still rattled by the battle of New York in which he helped to repel an alien invasion. Anxious and having trouble sleeping, Stark obsessively works on his Iron Man suits, to the consternation of girlfriend Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow). Potts is soon in the firing line along with a scientist and former lover (Rebecca Hall), after Stark challenges international terrorist The Mandarin, who turns his deadly attention towards Stark in a spectacular attack on his home. As The Mandarin returns to his plan to strike at the heart of American politics, Stark must overcome his own battered psyche, familiar faces from his past and a new wave of formidable weaponry to stop him. Written and directed by Shane Black (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang). Based on Warren Ellis' comic book arc Extremis.
Where to watch Iron Man 3
Iron Man 3 | Details
- Rating
- M, contains action violence
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Action, Adventure
- Country of origin