Animated Iron Man adventure from the makers of Marvel's anime TV series. Tony Stark's Iron Man prevents an attack from a...
Animated Iron Man adventure from the makers of Marvel's anime TV series. Tony Stark's Iron Man prevents an attack from a mysterious new foe, but innocent bystanders are killed including his best friend War Machine, Lt. Colonel James Rhodes. Detained for questioning by S.H.I.E.L.D., Iron Man escapes, determined to find the mastermind behind the attack. Pursued by Black Widow and Hawkeye, Iron Man enlists the help of the ruthless vigilante The Punisher. They discover the person responsible - Ezekiel Stane - has advanced biotechnology, called Technovore, which could wipe out all life on the planet.
Where to watch Iron Man: Rise of Technovore
Iron Man: Rise of Technovore | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Action
- Country of origin
- Japan