Oscar nominee Steve Carell leads this political satire written and directed by The Daily Show's Jon Stewart. Co-stars Rose Byrne...
Oscar nominee Steve Carell leads this political satire written and directed by The Daily Show's Jon Stewart. Co-stars Rose Byrne and Chris Cooper.
After the Democrat’s top strategist Gary (Carell) sees a video of a retired Marine Colonel (Cooper) standing up for the rights of his town’s undocumented workers, Gary believes he has found the key to winning back the Heartland. However, when the Republicans counter him by sending in his brilliant nemesis Faith (Byrne), what started out as a local race quickly becomes an out-of-control fight for the soul of America.
Where to watch Irresistible
Irresistible | Details
- Rating
- M, Coarse language and sexual references
- Runtime
- 104
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin