Producer Nicolaos Demourtzidis explores the troubled past of his hero, pappou Elias – a man whose memories are starting to...
Producer Nicolaos Demourtzidis explores the troubled past of his hero, pappou Elias – a man whose memories are starting to disappear forever.
"Elias Demourtzidis was one of many who survived the Greek Civil War and made a new life with his family in Australia, leaving the past behind him. But now, in the grip of Alzheimer’s disease, his most recent memories are fading and the troubles he left in the Florina village of Pelargos are coming to the fore. Istoria follows Elias, his son and grandson as they embark on an emotional odyssey back to Greece in search of answers and closure." (Greek Film Festival)
Istoria | Details
- Runtime
- 64
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Australia