Keanu Reeves and Willem Dafoe lead this assassin action-thriller from long-time stunt co-ordinating greats Chad Stahelski (Reeve's stunt-double for The...
Keanu Reeves and Willem Dafoe lead this assassin action-thriller from long-time stunt co-ordinating greats Chad Stahelski (Reeve's stunt-double for The Matrix) and David Leitch (Brad Pitt's stunt double for Fight Club), making their co-directing debuts. Reeves plays Wick, an ex-hitman forced out of retirement in NYC to track down the gangsters that "took everything from him".
Where to watch John Wick
John Wick | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong violence
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin