R-rated comedy based on the popular Danish sitcom Klovn. Follows two wildly inappropriate friends as they embark on a canoe trip -...
R-rated comedy based on the popular Danish sitcom Klovn. Follows two wildly inappropriate friends as they embark on a canoe trip - with a kidnapped 12-year-old - that thinly veils their true intentions of a weekend of debauchery.
"When Frank discovers his girlfriend is pregnant and having doubts about his ability to be a father, he 'kidnaps' her 12-year-old nephew and brings him along for the ride. Despite their new impressionable travel companion, Frank and Casper make no changes to their original raunchy itinerary. What follows is a hilarious series of misadventures." (Fantastic Fest 2011)
Where to watch Klown
Klown | Details
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Denmark