97 mins
Poster for LBJ

Woody Harrelson is U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson in this Rob Reiner-directed biopic charting his life leading up to his... More

Where to watch LBJ

LBJ is available to stream in Australia now on Prime... More Video and Apple TV Store and Brollie.

There is no screening information for this title.

LBJ | Ratings & Reviews

"Those of us who are of a certain age well remember the early sixties, marked by the Kennedy (JFK) years, his assassination and the installation of Kennedy’s vice-president Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) as the next American president. In the wake of the Kennedy assassination Johnson focused on the passing of the Civil Rights Act, something which Kennedy had wanted but did not achieve."

Flicks, Lyn PotterFlicks

"It's not that Johnson isn't a compelling dramatic figure, but [Rob] Reiner's film is too broad and simplistic to capture why that is."


"Reiner has been around the block enough times to relish everything in Johnson that's rudely incorrect."


""LBJ" is a frustratingly underdeveloped vehicle for Mr. Harrelson's talents as well as an unfortunate missed opportunity."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Strictly conventional, even down to the oft-used marching drums in the background, but it's solidly entertaining nonetheless..."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"While providing some enlightening insight into the 36th President, LBJ never truly engrosses."


"An attentively presented but oddly unrewarding viewing experience despite a persuasive Woody Harrelson lead performance as Lyndon Baines Johnson."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Absorbing if conventional."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"So LBJ is very much a flawed movie, in the ways that almost all "important man" biopics tend to be."


"This is definitely the wrong Commander In Chief to portray as an overgrown grumpy toddler, but that's how Joey Hartstone's simplistic script often characterizes him."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

LBJ | Details

M, Violence and coarse language
Drama, True Story & Biography
Country of origin