A small mistake derails the ideal lives of a father and his 13-year-old daughter in this drama from Oscar-nominated director...
A small mistake derails the ideal lives of a father and his 13-year-old daughter in this drama from Oscar-nominated director Debra Granik (Winter's Bone).
"For years Will (Ben Foster, Hell or High Water) and his teenage daughter, Tom (New Zealander Thomasin McKenzie) have lived off the grid, blissfully undetected by authorities in a vast nature reserve on the edge of Portland, Oregon. When a chance encounter blows their cover, they’re removed from their camp and put into the charge of social services. Struggling to adapt to their new surroundings, Will and Tom set off on a perilous journey back to the wilderness, where they are finally forced to confront conflicting desires — a longing for community versus a fierce need to live apart." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace | Details
- Rating
- G, Very mild themes
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin