Steve Martin, Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene star in this dark comedy rock musical – an adaptation of the Menken/Ashman...
Steve Martin, Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene star in this dark comedy rock musical – an adaptation of the Menken/Ashman show, itself adapted from the 1960 Roger Corman film. Directed by Frank Oz (his first film outside the Muppets stable) and featuring cameos from Bill Murray, Christopher Guest, John Candy and James Belushi.
Styled as a mock B-Movie, the story follows Seymour (Moranis) who works in a struggling flower shop on Skid Row, in 1960s New York. Looking for a way to save the business, he thinks he's found it in an exotic plant bought from a street vendor (Vincent Wong). Named after his love Audrey (Greene), Seymour discovers to his horror that Audrey II (voiced by Levi Stubbs' baritone) craves human blood and flesh. The fast-growing plant is a storefront attraction, but also requires a constant string of murders that Seymour reluctantly undertakes.
The movie's original finale (which we won’t describe, don't worry) was re-shot before release after receiving negative reception from test audiences. This ending has been restored in later director’s cut releases on DVD.
Where to watch Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Comedy, Horror, Musical, Science Fiction
- Country of origin