A middle-aged bureaucrat with terminal cancer determines to do something useful with the remainder of his life in this Kurosawa...
A middle-aged bureaucrat with terminal cancer determines to do something useful with the remainder of his life in this Kurosawa classic.
"It’s the story of office worker Kenji Watanabe, superbly played by Takashi Shimura, an actor in almost every Kurosawa film who rarely played a leading role. This 'ordinary’ bureaucrat, in late middle age, is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the news leads him to re-assess his life, and his determination to achieve something worthwhile before he dies. Living is one of Kurosawa’s most humanistic films, but also one of his most ironic, which the later sequences indicate." (David Stratton, Sydney Film Festival)
Living (1952) | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Special Prize of the Senate of Berlin (Kurosawa), 1954 Berlin International Film Festival
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 143
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Japan