"Tommaso, an aspiring writer, is the youngest child in the large, eccentric Cantone family who own a pasta factory in...
"Tommaso, an aspiring writer, is the youngest child in the large, eccentric Cantone family who own a pasta factory in Puglia. He has come home from Rome for an important family dinner at which his father will hand over the management of the pasta factory to him and his brother, Antonio. Determined to assert his own personal choices, Tommaso plans to announce at the dinner that he is gay. But that evening, just as he begins to say, “silence please”, to Tommaso’s surprise, and everyone else’s shock, he is upstaged by his brother.
"This is Ozpetek (Facing Windows, Ignorant Fairies) at his best, skilfully portraying the dizzying complexities of the relationships within large extended Italian families where everyone seems to hide at least one secret." (Italian Film Festival)
Loose Cannons | Details
- Rating
- M, Infrequent coarse language
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Italy