The story of two lonely and impoverished elderly lovers at the end of their lives, based on the comic I...
The story of two lonely and impoverished elderly lovers at the end of their lives, based on the comic I Love You by Kang Full.
Chang Weijie (Ni Dahong), an empty-nest elderly man, and Li Huiru (Kara Wai), a widowed elderly woman who collects scrap, meet unexpectedly and gradually develop feelings for each other. Xie Dingshan (Leung Ka Fai Tony) and Zhao Huanxin (Cecilia Yip Tung), an elderly couple who make a living by selling scrap, long suffering from Huanxin’s illness. These four elderly individuals, two couples, deeply and purely fall in love as they approach the final chapter of their lives. Even if there is no tomorrow, they want to express the words "I love you" to each other.
Love Never Ends | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- China