Nadia Tass's feature debut is a crime comedy starring Colin Friels as an introverted inventor and John Hargreaves as a...
Nadia Tass's feature debut is a crime comedy starring Colin Friels as an introverted inventor and John Hargreaves as a resourceful criminal.
"Nadia Tass’s debut, with screenplay and photography by her husband David Parker, is a genuinely fresh comedy about the unlikely friendship between a reclusive orphan, Malcolm (Colin Friels, brilliant), and clever criminal Frank (John Hargreaves). Malcolm, who has lived alone since the death of his mother, avoids human and even animal contact. He spends his time making elaborate models – including a home-made tram, or a car that splits into two – that appear to have no practical use until the arrival of Frank who, with his girlfriend Judith (Lindy Davies) in tow, moves in and dreams up a way to use Malcolm’s gadgets for criminal purposes." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Malcolm
Malcolm | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Australia