Angelina Jolie is the villainous Maleficent in this dark retelling of Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Follows the fairytale from the titular...
Angelina Jolie is the villainous Maleficent in this dark retelling of Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Follows the fairytale from the titular witch's perspective, depicting the events that hardened Maleficent's heart and drove her to curse young Princess Aurora (Elle Fanning), the living subject of the witch's hatred.
A beautiful, pure-hearted woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal. Bent on revenge, she faces an epic battle with the invading king's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realises that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom...
The character of Maleficent is a Disney creation, who appeared in Sleeping Beauty (1959), the animator's version of the Grimm Brothers' wicked fairy godmother. This movie marks the feature directorial debut of Oscar-winning visual effects designer Robert Stromberg (Avatar, Alice in Wonderland).
Where to watch Maleficent
Maleficent | Details
- Rating
- M, Fantasy themes and violence
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Kids & Family, Romance
- Country of origin