Documentary on renowned Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović. The centrepiece of the film is her retrospective at New York’s Museum...
Documentary on renowned Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović. The centrepiece of the film is her retrospective at New York’s Museum of Modern Art and the still, silent piece - entitled The Artist is Present - that she undertakes.
All day, every day for the month of May 2010, Abramović sits at a table in the Museum's atrium. There is no talking, no touching, no overt communication of any kind. Her objective is to achieve a luminous state of being and then transmit it - to engage in what she calls "an energy dialogue" with the audience. The piece is the longest-duration solo work of her career, and by far the most physically and emotionally demanding she has ever attempted.
Where to watch Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present
Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present | Details
- Award winner
- Panorama Audience Award winner at Berlin Film Festival 2012.
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong nudity
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Montenegro, Serbia, USA