Danny DeVito’s 1996 family comedy based on the Roald Dahl children's fantasy book following a young girl (Mara Wilson) with...
Danny DeVito’s 1996 family comedy based on the Roald Dahl children's fantasy book following a young girl (Mara Wilson) with a brilliant mind, the parents (De Vito and Rhea Pearlman) that constantly mistreat her, the lovely teacher (Embeth Davidtz) who recognises her gift, and the dreaded Miss Trunchbull (Pam Ferris) - the abusive headmistress who punishes her students by locking them in 'The Chokey'.
Where to watch Matilda (1996)
Matilda (1996) | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin