Set in mid-1980s South Korea, two ill-equipped detectives are pitted against the country's first serial killer in this crime thriller...
Set in mid-1980s South Korea, two ill-equipped detectives are pitted against the country's first serial killer in this crime thriller based on true events.
Park (Song Kang-Ho) and Cho (Kim Roi-Ha) are two thuggish detectives assigned to a double murder investigation. When the murderer strikes several more times with the same pattern, the unprepared detectives realize that they are chasing South Korea's first documented serial killer. Relying on merely basic skills, Park and Jo attempt to solve the case.
Where to watch Memories of Murder (2003)
Memories of Murder (2003) | Details
- Rating
- MA15+,
- Runtime
- 132
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- South Korea