Hong Kong's answer to Transformers, Kung Fu Cyborg is a sci-fi, adventure comedy from the producers of...
Hong Kong's answer to Transformers, Kung Fu Cyborg is a sci-fi, adventure comedy from the producers of Kung Fu Hustle. Director Jerrfrey Lau describes the idea: "When I saw Spider-Man, Superman and Batman, I wondered why we don't have similar superheroes in China. I burst out laughing when watching Transformers: the effects were amazing but the robots didn't know how to fight. So I decided our Chinese superheroes should be kung fu experts."
Officer De Ming is a stellar law enforcer. He's aslo a cyborg, the product of secret Government research – a revolutionary cybernetic organism programmed with a sophisticated social conscience. De Ming is quick to wins the hearts of the small town he operates in, and none more so than Su Mei's – a fellow officer. De Ming's programming hasn't prepared him for matters of the heart. But all this is put on hold as word arrives that De Ming's cybernetic sibling – the K88 (Jacky Wu) – has malfunctioned and is on a rampage.
Metallic Attraction: Kung Fu Cyborg | Details
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Hong Kong