Loosely based on the iconic 80s TV show, and directed by the show’s producer, Michael Mann. Like his previous Collateral, Miami...
Loosely based on the iconic 80s TV show, and directed by the show’s producer, Michael Mann. Like his previous Collateral, Miami Vice is shot on digital video.
Film focuses on the darkside of undercover police work. Ricardo Tubbs (silky smooth Foxx) - "urban & dead smart", works undercover transporting drugs into Miami, attempting to identify a group responsible for 3 murders; and Sonny Crockett (fiery Irishman Farrell) - "charismatic & flirtatious", works with the supplier of the Miami group. As Crocket gets romantically involved with Isabella (Gong Li), the Chinese-Cuban wife of a drugs trafficker, the intensity of the case pull the policemen into dangerous territory – when the lines between their roles as cops and their fabricated identities start to blur.
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Miami Vice | Details
- Rating
- MA15+,
- Runtime
- 133
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin