In a vehicle they built themselves, two young friends embark on a road trip across France in this comedy...
In a vehicle they built themselves, two young friends embark on a road trip across France in this comedy road movie by French auteur Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).
"Microbe (Dargent) is a shy and frail boy, often lost in his drawings. Gasoline (Baquet) is a smart, inventive kid, who always has his hands in engines. When Gasoline arrives as a new student at Microbe’s school in the middle of the year, the two instantly become great friends. As the summer vacation draws closer, they both know that neither wants to spend two months with their respective families.
"Microbe’s mother (Audrey Tautou) is a depressive cult follower, whereas Gasoline’s parents are dismissive of his passion for motors. With a lawnmower engine, a few planks, and a genius plan, the friends build their own vehicle and set off for an adventure on the roads of France."(French Film Festival
Where to watch Microbe & Gasoline
Microbe & Gasoline | Details
- Rating
- M, Sexual references and coarse language
- Runtime
- 105
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- France