Film and music project featuring a collage of the science films made in the early 1900s by naturalist F. Percy...
Film and music project featuring a collage of the science films made in the early 1900s by naturalist F. Percy Smith, set to a score by UK rock band Tindersticks.
Smith worked in the early years of the 20th century, developing various cinematographic and micro-photographic techniques to capture nature's secrets in action. Minute Bodies is an interpretative edit that combines Smith's original footage with a new contemporary score to create a hypnotic, alien yet familiar dreamscape that connects us to the sense of wonder Smith must have felt as he peered through his own lenses and seen these micro-worlds for the first time.
Minute Bodies: The Intimate World of F. Percy Smith | Details
- Runtime
- 55
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- UK