DreamWorks Animation (The Croods) and the director of The Lion King give the history-hopping pair, who first appeared in the 1960s...
DreamWorks Animation (The Croods) and the director of The Lion King give the history-hopping pair, who first appeared in the 1960s Rocky and Bullwinkle animated series, their own feature. Peabody (voiced by Modern Family’s Ty Burrell) takes his adopted son Sherman back through the pages of history to undo calamitous changes made when the boy and his classmate Penny tampered with the WABAC machine. Features the voices of Leslie Mann, Stephen Colbert, Patrick Warburton, Stanley Tucci as Leonardo da Vinci, and Mel Brooks as Sigmund Freud.
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Mr. Peabody and Sherman | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin