Hit romantic comedy following socially awkward, ugly duckling Muriel (Golden Globe nominee Toni Collette), resident of Porpoise Spit, Australia. The...
Hit romantic comedy following socially awkward, ugly duckling Muriel (Golden Globe nominee Toni Collette), resident of Porpoise Spit, Australia. The butt of the joke, Muriel dreams of love and marriage but spends her nights alone, obsessing over the music of ABBA. Inspired by her liberated new friend Rhonda (Rachel Griffiths), Muriel leaves home for Sydney. There, she reinvents herself and grabs her home town's attention when she becomes engaged to a handsome and popular sports hero...
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Muriel's Wedding | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Comedy, Romance
- Country of origin
- Australia, France