Animated disaster comedy written and directed by acclaimed cartoonist Dash Shaw (Cosplayers, New School), featuring a voice cast lead by...
Animated disaster comedy written and directed by acclaimed cartoonist Dash Shaw (Cosplayers, New School), featuring a voice cast lead by Jason Schwartzman and Reggie Watts.
Dash (Schwartzman) and his best friend Assaf (Watts) are preparing for another year at Tides High School muckraking on behalf of their widely-distributed but little-read school newspaper, edited by their friend Verti (Maya Rudolph). But just when a blossoming relationship between Assaf and Verti threatens to destroy the boys’ friendship, Dash learns of the administration’s cover-up that puts all the students in danger. As disaster erupts and the friends race to escape through the roof of the school, they are joined by a popular know-it-all (Lena Dunham) and a lunch lady (Susan Sarandon) who is much more than meets the eye, in this wild satirical send-up of disaster cinema, high school comedy and blockbuster fare.
My Entire High School Sinking into the Sea | Details
- Runtime
- 75
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin