Based on the Jodi Picoult novel, My Sister's Keeper is a drama following Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian (Jason Patric)...
Based on the Jodi Picoult novel, My Sister's Keeper is a drama following Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian (Jason Patric) whose daughter, Kate, is diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of two. The only hope to keep Kate alive is to conceive another child, specifically intended to save her life. Their second daughter, Anna (Abigail Breslin), is genetically conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate.
Throughout their young lives, the united sisters endure medical procedures and hospital stays as Anna supplies transfusions for Kate. But the strained, close-knit family is rocked when Anna, now 11, says 'no'. She hires a lawyer (Alec Baldwin) and initiates a court case demanding the rights to use her body as she wants.
From the director and screenwriter of The Notebook.
Where to watch My Sister's Keeper
My Sister's Keeper | Details
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin