Jake Gyllenhaal leads this Los Angeles-set drama as a devilishly persistent creep who, struggling for employment, barges into the underground...
Jake Gyllenhaal leads this Los Angeles-set drama as a devilishly persistent creep who, struggling for employment, barges into the underground world of freelance crime journalism. Co-stars Rene Russo. The directorial debut from screenwriter Dan Gilroy (The Bourne Legacy, Real Steel).
After a chance late night encounter introduces Lou Bloom (Gyllenhaal) to the freelance footage game, he begins competing with other enterprising journos to capture crime on video. Forging a mutually beneficial relationship with a news producer (Russo), Bloom starts building a business, giving her first dibs on his footage. With this sociopath is roaming late night Los Angeles in a grubby, cut-throat industry, what could possibly go wrong?
Where to watch Nightcrawler
Nightcrawler | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence, offensive language and content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin