The story of John Lennon’s childhood takes us back to when John was a curious and sharp teenager growing up...
The story of John Lennon’s childhood takes us back to when John was a curious and sharp teenager growing up in '50s Liverpool. At age four, John had been sent to live with his formidable, straight-laced Aunt Mimi and Uncle George. After the tragedy of George's death, John is reintroduced to his mum, Julia. Her spirited personality is a close fit with his and she encourages his love of music and writing. As the two sisters tussle for his love, John escapes into the art and the music flooding in from the US – namely, rock and roll. His enthusiasm for the music finds a kindred spirit in a young chappy, handy with a bass, named Paul.
This is the debut feature of artist-turned-director Sam Taylor-Wood and based on the memoir by Lennon's half-sister, Julia Baird.
Where to watch Nowhere Boy
Nowhere Boy | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Drama, Music, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- UK, Canada