Christopher Nolan tells the story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy, and his role in the development...
Christopher Nolan tells the story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy, and his role in the development of the atomic bomb.
The film co-stars Emily Blunt as Oppenheimer's wife, biologist and botanist Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer; Matt Damon as General Leslie Groves Jr., director of the Manhattan Project; Robert Downey, Jr. as Lewis Strauss, a founding commissioner of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; Florence Pugh as psychiatrist Jean Tatlock; and Benny Safdie as theoretical physicist Edward Teller. Michael Angarano also stars alongside Josh Hartnett, Rami Malek and Kenneth Branagh.
Where to watch Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer | Details
- Award winner
- Best Picture, Director, Actor (Cillian Murphy), Supporting Actor (Robert Downey Jr.), Cinematography, Editing, and Original Score, Oscars 2024; Best Film, Director, Actor (Cillian Murphy), Supporting Actor (Robert Downey Jr.), Cinematography, Editing, and Original Score, BAFTAs 2024; Winner for Best Film – Drama; Best Director, Best Actor (Cillian Murphy), Best Supporting Actor (Robert Downey Jr.), and Best Original Score at the Golden Globes 2024.
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong sex and a suicide scene
- Runtime
- 180
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin