The duffel-coated, galoshes-wearing family favourite bear hits cinema screens for the first time. Follows the comic misadventures of a young...
The duffel-coated, galoshes-wearing family favourite bear hits cinema screens for the first time. Follows the comic misadventures of a young Peruvian bear with a passion for all things British, who travels to London in search of a home. Stars Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Nicole Kidman and Ben Whishaw as the voice of CG-animated Paddington.
Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he begins to realise that city life is not quite as he imagined - until he meets the kindly Brown family, who read the label around his neck ("Please look after this bear. Thank you.") and offer him a temporary haven. It looks as though his luck has changed until this rarest of bears catches the eye of a museum taxidermist.
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Paddington | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- UK