The first three episodes of the comedy-drama series from Zabou Breitman that takes a cheeky foray into the private lives...
The first three episodes of the comedy-drama series from Zabou Breitman that takes a cheeky foray into the private lives of Parisian women.
"Lou Roy-Lecollinet, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Anaïs Demoustier, Naidra Ayadi and Zabou Breitman play five women going through the ups & downs of their daily humdrum, beautifully framed by Paris. Through them, we experience five ways of being, crying, screaming, laughing, grinding teeth, having fun, not having fun, drinking too much, growing up, resisting stuff, making a child, not making a child, not wanting to go home… and five ways to love. Each episode starts with a touch of sauciness but then moves into humour mixed with genuine pathos, and endearing female personalities with sublime Parisian locations. Archival imagery from Paris in the 1950s is intercut with our heroines’ adventures, which gives the whole series a gorgeous vintage aesthetic." (Alliance Française)
Paris etc. | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes, sex, coarse language and nudity
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- France