A sports documentary that sets out to prove that age is no limit when it comes to athletic triumph. Follows...
A sports documentary that sets out to prove that age is no limit when it comes to athletic triumph. Follows eight pensioners from four different continents with a combined age of over 700 years, as they compete in the World Over 80s Table Tennis Championships in Inner Mongolia.
Terry (81) once having been given a week to live, has now set his sights on winning gold. Inge (89) has used table tennis to train her way out of the dementia ward she committed herself to. Australian legend Dorothy deLow is 100, and finds herself a mega celebrity in this rarefied world and Texan Lisa Modlich, a new-comer at 85 years old, is determined to do whatever it takes to win her first gold.
Says Susan Sarandon: "Who could have imagined there were people over 100 years old with more passion and determination than most people 1/5th their age! The film is baffling, inspiring and sweet, and it's wonderful to see how ping-pong has transformed their lives."
Where to watch Ping Pong (2012)
Ping Pong (2012) | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 76
- Genre
- Documentary, Sport
- Country of origin
- UK