Oliver Stone's Oscar-winning (including Best Film and Director) Vietnam War drama following a young recruit (Charlie Sheen) facing a moral...
Oliver Stone's Oscar-winning (including Best Film and Director) Vietnam War drama following a young recruit (Charlie Sheen) facing a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of warfare and the duality of man. Co-stars Willem Dafoe and Forest Whitaker.
Where to watch Platoon
Platoon | Details
- Award winner
- Best Film, Director, Editing and Sound at the Academy Awards 1987. Best Film (Drama), Director and Supporting Actor (Berenger) Golden Globes 1987. Best Director and Editing, BAFTA Awards 1988. Silver Bear (Best Director), Berlin Film Festival 1987.
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong themes, violence and coarse language
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Action, Drama, War
- Country of origin