In this early Coen brothers film, Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter play a childless couple who decide to help themselves...
In this early Coen brothers film, Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter play a childless couple who decide to help themselves to one of another family's quintuplets.
In the Coen brothers' second feature, an ex-con (Cage) and an ex-cop (Hunter) meet, marry and long for a child of their own. When it is discovered that Edwina (Hunter) is infertile they resort to snatching a baby. The couple tries to keep their crime a secret but soon friends, co-workers and a bounty hunter (Randall "Tex" Cobb) look to use the child for their own purposes.
Where to watch Raising Arizona
Raising Arizona | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin