
111 mins
Poster for Ratatouille

Remy the rat is blessed – and cursed – with a refined palatte in the latest from Pixar Animation ('Toy... More

Where to watch Ratatouille

Ratatouille is now playing in 4 cinemas in Australia. Ratatouille... More is available to stream in Australia now on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Disney+ and Prime Video Store.

Ratatouille | Ratings & Reviews

"Ratatouille is delicious. In this satisfying, souffle-light tale of a plucky French rodent with a passion for cooking, the master chefs at Pixar have blended all the right ingredients -- abundant verbal and visual wit, genius slapstick timing, a soupcon of Gallic sophistication -- to produce a warm and irresistible concoction that's sure to appeal to everyone's inner Julia Child..."


"Brad Bird and Pixar recapture the charm and winning imagination of classic Disney animation..."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"What makes Ratatouille such a hilarious and heartfelt wonder is the way Bird contrives to let it sneak up on you..."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"The slapstick-comic set pieces involving Remy and Linguini's cooking struggles might solicit the admiration of Buster Keaton and Jacques Tati..."

Premiere MagazinePremiere Magazine

"While other animations such as Shrek 3 have relied on pop culture gags or cute animal jokes... director Brad Bird has created a film with the whole package: a beautiful animation and sets, interesting characters, a considered script..."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"Ratatouille is as audacious as they come. It takes risks and goes places other films wouldn't dare, and it ends up putting rival imaginations in the shade..."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Brad Bird, the director who brought us The Incredibles and The Iron Giant, has another exquisitely crafted hit on his hands. It's got a message, about following your dreams and not letting prejudice stand in your way, however the point's not laboured or allowed to get too cloying. There are more layers of meaning too, if you care to look for them in this breezily entertaining yet complex film..."

Christchurch PressChristchurch Press

Ratatouille | Details

Award winner
Best Animated Movie at the Academy Awards, BAFTAs and Golden Globes in 2008
PG, Mild animated violence
Comedy, Kids & Family
Country of origin

Ratatouille | Trailers