Horror-thriller from filmmaker Kevin Smith (Clerks), about a group of middle American teens who encounter violent, extreme religious fundamentalism. Stars...
Horror-thriller from filmmaker Kevin Smith (Clerks), about a group of middle American teens who encounter violent, extreme religious fundamentalism. Stars Melissa Leo (The Fighter) and John Goodman (The Big Lebowski).
Never one to shy away from stirring up controversy, Smith leaves behind his comedy roots to tell the tale of three sexually-charged high schoolers who come across an online personal ad from an older woman looking for a gang bang and hit the road to satisfy their carnal urges. However, their fantasy turns sinister when Christian extremists with a fatal agenda, led by the twisted preacher Abin Cooper (Michael Parks, Kill Bill), hold them captive in a compound known as the Five Point Church.
Red State | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, for strong violence/disturbuing content, some sexual content including brief nudity, and pervasive language
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin