Animated Disney retelling of the classic story of Robin Hood but with the characters portrayed as animals. Stars Brian Bedford...
Animated Disney retelling of the classic story of Robin Hood but with the characters portrayed as animals. Stars Brian Bedford and Phil Harris.
A friendly rooster called Alan-a-Dale (Roger Miller) tells stories and sings songs of the heroic Robin Hood (Bedford) and his trusty sidekick, Little John (Harris). When evil Prince John (Peter Ustinov) commands the Sheriff of Nottingham (Pat Buttram) to collect unreasonable taxes from the animals of Sherwood Forest, Robin, Little John and the other merry men wage a lighthearted battle against their enemies.
Where to watch Robin Hood (1973)
Robin Hood (1973) | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Kids & Family, Romance
- Country of origin