Documentary exploring hidden themes in Stanley Kubrick's horror masterpiece The Shining ranging from symbolism to conspiracy theories. Nine segments address specific aspects of...
Documentary exploring hidden themes in Stanley Kubrick's horror masterpiece The Shining ranging from symbolism to conspiracy theories. Nine segments address specific aspects of the film, drawing on the ideas of Kubrick experts to produce an in-depth analysis.
With Jack Nicholson's performance in Kubrick's Stephen King adaptation being one of cinema's most famously unhinged moments, there's something thematically appropriate about The Shining still driving people nuts today.
Where to watch Room 237: Being an Inquiry into 'The Shining' in 9 Parts
Room 237: Being an Inquiry into 'The Shining' in 9 Parts | Details
- Rating
- MA15+,
- Runtime
- 102
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin