DreamWorks Animation teen fantasy adventure set in a world where krakens are noble creatures and mermaids are self-absorbed villains. Features...
DreamWorks Animation teen fantasy adventure set in a world where krakens are noble creatures and mermaids are self-absorbed villains. Features the voices of Lana Condor (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before), Jaboukie Young-White (Ralph Breaks the Internet), Oscar nominee Toni Collette and Academy Award winner Jane Fonda.
Sweet, awkward 16-year-old Ruby Gillman (Condor) is desperate to fit in at Oceanside High, but she mostly just feels invisible. She’s math-tutoring her skater-boy crush (Young-White), who only seems to admire her for her fractals, and she’s prevented from hanging out with the cool kids at the beach because her over-protective supermom (Collette), has forbade Ruby from ever getting in the water. But when she breaks her mom’s #1 rule, Ruby will discover that she is a direct descendant of the warrior Kraken queens and is destined to inherit the throne from her commanding grandmother (Fonda), the Warrior Queen of the Seven Seas.
The film comes from Kirk De Micco, best known for directing 2021's Vivo, and Pam Brady, best known for... *checks notes*... 1999's South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.
Where to watch Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken | Details
- Rating
- PG, Mild fantasy themes and animated violence
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
- Country of origin