Three years after Cédric Klapisch’s international hit The Spanish Apartment, arrives his zestful sequel featuring an equally impressive international cast...
Three years after Cédric Klapisch’s international hit The Spanish Apartment, arrives his zestful sequel featuring an equally impressive international cast of endearing faces including Romain Duris and Audrey Tautou.
Catches up with Xavier (Duris), now 30 and well past his student shenanigans. A struggling writer in Paris, unfulfilled professionally & personally, he’s in search of the cure: his ‘perfect woman’. His commitment to the cause is sound: trying it with many a lady from from Paris to London to St Petersburg. "It's a film about that point in life where you're trying to keep alive the possibilities of youth in the sobering knowledge that middle age is just around the corner."
Russian Dolls | Details
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- France, UK