Family drama set in remote Western Australia following Pete (Cameron Wallaby), a boy living with his traditional grandfather (David Gulpilil) on...
Family drama set in remote Western Australia following Pete (Cameron Wallaby), a boy living with his traditional grandfather (David Gulpilil) on the site of an abandoned outdoor cinema. His mother has left to find work, and as Pete waits for her return he makes the most of the situation - absorbing his grandfather's stories and tearing around the countryside on his bike with his mate, the smart-mouth Kalmain (Joseph Pedley). But when their home is threatened by developers, the boys set off for the city to meet those responsible. Crystal Bear winner at Berlin Festival 2013.
"Pete's happy existence is suddenly shattered when news arrives that the cinema has been purchased by a mining company, and is slated for demolition. Panicked that his mother will not be able to find him when she returns, Pete convinces Kalmain that they can persuade the new owners to keep the cinema intact if they can just get a face-to-face meeting with them in the city. Hours later, through circumstance and ignorance, they find themselves lost in the punishing bush and desert of Kimberley.
"Starving, thirsty, and miles from anywhere, Pete discovers that the skills and knowledge imparted in his grandfather's stories take on real meaning... When Kalmain challenges Pete's claim to possess survival skills during their unintentional walkabout, Pete counters that he listened to his grandfather because he aspired "to be a real blackfella, knowing country and all." He is, and he will be." (Toronto Film Festival)
Where to watch Satellite Boy
Satellite Boy | Details
- Award winner
- Crystal Bear (Special Mention) and Special Mention of the Generation Kplus International Jury at the Berlin Film Festival 2013.
- Rating
- PG, Mild themes and coarse language
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Australia